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December 15, 2013


Isn't this picture make u salivate? You have the urge want to eat it, right?
Oh man..this tiramisu was definitely taste good!!

Tiramisu is a popular coffee flavour italian cake. It has a beautiful meaning in italian "lift me up" or "pick me up", not only pick up the cake, and also love and happiness. Just because tiramisu have a little of caffeine and coco so it might make us become little excited.

As the picture shown was a european style tiramisu. It was difference with other cake as tiramisu used ladyfingers to substitute sponge cake and make with mascarpone cheese, marsala wine and cocoa. The taste was bittersweet just like relation of angel and devil.

I can feel the cheese melted in my mouth but still have mouthfeel because of ladyfingers. I think you will food for thought for this shop tiramisu. It's easily to find this shop! Just see below!!

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November 30, 2013

Ice Drip (Rose)

This is my first time exposure for this coffee. When waiter bring it to me,i'm curious about this stuff i never seen before.  

Ice Drip Coffee actually is created by Dutch. It's using ice water to extract the coffee, extract them in low temperature. So that it need to use more time to bring out the aroma of the coffee.

Ice Drip Coffee is made by something that we called "Ice Drip Tower". It is divided into 3 section, Up of the tower contain ice water, middle of the tower is fitted with coffee powder, and below is used to contain the extracted coffee.

The speed of dropped water could be can by unscrewed the switch. We common see 3 seconds for 2 drops.The extracted coffee flavour will depand on the amount of water, temperature, droplets speed and other factor.

It might be use long time by waiting the ice water seep to the coffee powder. After waiting for few hour, they still need to put them into refrigerator to stock them for 1-3 days.

This is the rose flavour ice drip and we can mix ourself with honey and milk. We can smell rose scent from the coffee. For me, i put more honey milk and little of coffee, sweet and little rose scent. But the consideration is the next glass will become bitter..

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November 29, 2013

Chai Latte(印度茶拿鐵)

Going Cafe with your friend and not trying to drink caffeine?
Yes! Chai Latte is your best choice!

It's difference with other latte that there is not any caffeine in it.
But somebody say it got some coffee in Chai Latte. So it's a fifty fifty things, who knows?

Chai Latte actually is an Indian Traditional that has gained popularity in the West in recent years. So it was common to see Chai Latte in Western Counties.

Chai Latte actually is simply the word of "Tea" in Sanskrit and Hindi. In Western Countries, it is avaiable as a spiced black tea then prepared with milk. So that we calling it "Chai Latte".

It's very scent when we drink it. We can feel the fragant of spiced by drinking it. Very different and great experience!

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Small Flame

 "Small Flame" you guys must be so thrilled to see such titles, who calls a dish small 
flame? In Manhattan Fish Market, they do, yeah.
But, why is it called, "Small Flame" ? It comes with a purpose.
I know this is becoming more exciting as you read on, they tend to "fire up" your dish before serving, it's a live show, of course.
It is not only thrilling, it tastes so well, entirely optimized, enhanced by the flaming.

Look at the flawless, vivid experience. Enhancing your experience as well as your taste buds to a whole new level (hope it don't sounds too geek).
Very very tender and juicy fish, the sauces will make you feel elated.
Do you want to feel to be loved? Or, Do you want to feel like fall in love again? "Small Flame" is your guaranteed hit.

This is the little slogan they used throughout the restaurant.

"Serving it up the Manhattan way"

"Manhattan Project" ? This should've be "Mahattan Project", during Cold war.

It is located in AEON Kulaijaya buildings,
Located in the following city : Kulaijaya, Malaysia
Places: Manhattan Fish Market
Pricing: Rm29.90

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Spicy Baked Fish

This dish is a combination of hot-spicy marinated fish, rice, some carrots, broccoli and lastly what spice up the fish, lemons. The whole combination strikes up pretty interesting.

The tastes of the fish is somehow special, a tiny bits of Malaysian's local Malay delights tastes. The result is a lemonade, hot-spicy marinated enjoyment.However, the pricing can be a bit off, IF to be considered, but it can still be a tiny pure enjoyment, for any events, or today's thanksgiving.

They have a very intuitive and intriguing design of menus, which will, and will be, catching your eyes, not to mention the whopping pricing.

It is located in AEON Kulaijaya buildings,
Located in the following city : Kulaijaya, Malaysia
Places: Manhattan Fish Market
Pricing: Rm17.90

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November 26, 2013

Rose Latte(玫瑰拿鐵)

The rating process for this latte, is somehow sophisticated, we know we have to share it, the right way, without compromising even we're not the best coffee (latte's) drinkers. But this totally got us both.

The rose buds on the top, the drawn art, the taste of the coffee, it's different, it will prove different at the first sip.

  The Coffee, the creamy milk and rose fragrance though, is what really hit us, the rose fragrance that remains, your brain strive for next cup.

The Distinctive taste, it's simple, you know it taste just right, just enough.

This isn't just some fancy priced latte, the premiums totally worth it.


Country: Sutera, Skudai, Malaysia
Places: Just Want Coffee
Pricing: Hot Rm9.50  Cold Rm12.00

We highly recommend you to try this out, thanks for tuning in.

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Original Latte(拿鐵)

Latte, a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk.
 In Italy, we could almost see people drink latte in morning for breakfast.
At the top has a picture that we call "Latte Art". 
Artist according thier mood and draw something special on the milk foam.

Country: Sutera, Malaysia
Places: Just Want Coffee
Pricing: Rm9.50

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Hazelnut Latte(榛子拿鐵)

I think if i'm squirrel i will strongly love this latte!
We can taste the mix of latte and hazelnut. The biscuit is suitable to eat with this latte.
The feature of this latte is rich in hazelnut and milk.Nice one~

Country: Sutera, Skudai, Malaysia
Places:Just Want Coffee
Pricing: Rm9.50

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October 29, 2013


这里的档口比起一些其他的水饺面算是普通的 没什么特别的特色 水饺也普普通通

Country: Skudai, Malaysia
Places: 一家人茶餐厅
Pricing: Rm4.50

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可能运气不好吧 选到的都不是很好吃..
虾饼是还可以吃的 不过五香并不香 还有一道很失望的可是我也不懂是什么名字 像nugget酱的 不知要怎样形容它的味道啊..
希望店家能改进 继续加油!

Country:Skudai, Malaysia
Places: 一家人茶餐厅
Pricing: Rm不明(依所点的料理为定)

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一家泰式的小档口 看到别人吃于是我被这道杂菜饭吸引了..
材料丰富 酱料浓郁 老板娘端上桌时还有一股香味 哈哈
唯一美中不足的是偏甜了 不过还是很棒噢~

Country:Skudai, Malaysia
Places: 一家人茶餐厅
Pricing: Rm5.00
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龙龙果汁 "Buah Long-Long"Juice

龙龙果汁 即使身在马来西亚 到了城市也很难看到"Buah Long-Long"的踪影了
龙龙果实 真正的名字为"番橄榄" 英文名"Spondias dulcis" 国文名"Buah Kedondong"
把它打成果汁来喝 我们可以喝出"龙龙"淡淡的香味 超美味!
*会有一种怀念过去的感觉 哈哈哈

Country: Sutera Utama, Malaysia
Places: 帝王鸭
Pricing: Rm4.50

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此店的镇店之宝 招牌烧鸭拼盘 搭配了烧肉,烧鸭和碳烤叉烧
烧肉少油多肉 味道适中 再焦些会更好,烧鸭皮脆肉实 咬下去真的是有脆脆的口感 配上店家的酱料真的是棒极了~
再来就是它的碳烤叉烧 与其他叉烧不同的是 他们腌制的叉烧带甜味 由于是碳烤的所以很香还有一些碳烤味 赞!!

Country: Sutera Utama, Malaysia
Places: 帝王鸭
Pricing: Rm18.00

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菜圃蛋 Salted Carrot Egg

菜圃蛋是属于台湾风味小吃的一样菜 菜圃实际上是萝卜干腌出来的 还有些人管菜圃叫“菜头”
萝卜干与大葱搭配鸡蛋的炒蛋 炒蛋的色泽诱人 可是菜圃的味道却不够突出 所以也普普通通啦

Country: Sutera Utama, Malaysia
Places: 帝王鸭
Pricing: Rm6.00
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酥炸甘榜鱼 Crispy Kampung Fish

甘榜鱼,一个菜市场里常见的鱼 也能煮的非常好吃
很普通的用油炸过的甘榜鱼 配上酸柑与店家自制的辣椒 味道上算是挺棒的~
也许是只刚买的鱼吧 肉质新鲜QQ有弹性 Nice~

Country: Sutera Utama, Malaysia
Places: 帝王鸭
Pricing: Rm6.00/pcs

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October 12, 2013

Nasi Lemak with Fried Chicken(传统椰浆饭+脆香炸鸡)

GC Coffee's Nasi Lemak, the price is reasonable and has a good taste. We can smell an enticing smell came from it's rice and crispy for it's Fried Chicken~ If got some tomato sauce maybe taste nice(Just because i like tomatoes :D)

Country: Indahpura Kulai, Malaysia
Places: GC White Coffe & Tea 好咖啡
Pricing: Rm6.90

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Mash Potato薯泥

This mash potatoes is a total disappointment, too tough, tasteless.

Country: Indahpura Kulai, Malaysia
Places: GC White Coffe & Tea 好咖啡
Pricing: Rm3.20

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